Saturday, April 30, 2011

Weekly Updates and Monthly Previews - Dungeon Blitz Forums

Our friends over at have announced a weekly update schedule! Exciting stuff, check it out:

"Hey guys,

We really appreciate all your feedback through the first month of beta. Now that things have settled a bit, we're going to start formalizing our weekly and monthly previews. Here is our schedule.

Weekly Updates - Each Sunday night, we will upload new content for the game, and post the patch notes. These will occur every Sunday night, beginning this Sunday. We want you to be able to start off each week with fresh Dungeon Blitz content.
Monthly Preview - At the end of each month, we'll give you a brief overview of what we plan have to look forward to in the upcoming month. We also will look at how well we accomplished our goals over the last month.

Dungeon Blitz May Preview
Clean up the Cemetery Hill zone.
Complete 7 more Cemetery Hill dungeons.
Complete the Cemetery Hill storyline.
Clean up the Bridgetown zone.
Complete 4 Bridgetown dungeons.
Complete the Bridgetown storyline.
Create 3 additional pages of gear.
Generally improve client performance.
Add new vendors and trainers in Bridgetown.
Add a large variety of new feats.

Check back Monday Morning for the first of our Sunday Night Patch Notes!"

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